Monday, January 31, 2011

Planning Commission 7 pm Feb 1: PROS Plan Review(Parks Recreation and Open Space)

Tuesday, Feb 1, at 7 pm, Planning Commission meets at 220 N. Main, the Washtenaw County Admin. Building, Board Room.

Agenda will include review of the PROS Plan, (Parks, Recreation and Open Space). The plan will guide decisions for open spaces in the city for the next five years.

Per the city's notification system: "At this public hearing, the City Planning Commission will consider all comments from persons wishing to provide them before recommending adoption of the plan. The City Council also will hold a public hearing at a later date and make a decision on adoption of the plan."

I found the draft to be heavy on recommendations for public/private projects; see p. 39, and assess for yourself.

Now is the time to make comments. Next round will be a public hearing for Council, followed by a vote. The PROS plan will affect our open space for years to come, and your input will be helpful.

Due to weather, the Planning Commission meeting was postponed to February 8, at 7 pm, 220 N. Main St. Agenda will include review of the PROS plan.